Upwork, Fiverr, People Per Hour and freelance breakthrough

Looking to be a successful freelancer? You may have read so many stories about becoming rich while working from home or as a remote worker! Is it worth it to become a freelancer in the current era? Well, a BIG YES as we have got many opportunities in today’s freelance market.

Upwork freelance working

Working from home in today’s freelance market

We are sharing here a little research on freelancing along with some useful tips on freelance working from home. Read it and see how well the freelance market is going all the way.

Credits to the original author of this post:
Muhammad Naeem Memon
Co-Founder & Chief Project Officer (TCD Solution)

Massive rise in freelance employment

The 21st century has brought with it a giant potential for employers to connect with employees as never before by introducing new remote work technologies and rapid social changes driving 8-hour employees to freelance realm.

As resorting to remote work has dramatically changed the definition of job and workplace, more and more individuals are working from home or off-site. Resultantly, rise of modern corporations led to a decline in the number of farmers, shop owners, craftsmen etc.

Freelancers or those working from home dominating the future jobs

Future prospect of growing gig economy are no longer bleak in which traditional full-time jobs are displaced by mostly short-term contracts or freelance work from home. From 2014 to 2019, approximately 3.7 million more people started freelancing. As per FIA’s results, there are now 56.7 million freelancers in USA alone.

And in this current year 61% of freelancers expressed they have also preferred to work this way, so, there is 8% point increase since 2014. Forbes recorded an 8.1 percent rise in those who undertakes freelance jobs in the U.S. During last 3 years, figure reaches 57.3 million. If the on-going trend continues, it would imply that by 2027 more than 50% of the U.S. workforce would turn to be freelancers.

Innovative tools & speedy connections

Earning Online on Upwork, Fiverr and People Per Hour

The biggest contributors behind a rapid increase in freelance work are innovative crowdsourcing tools and speedy internet communications. From ‘Upwork’ to ‘Fiverr’, there are many excellent freelance marketplaces and platforms than ever before, letting employers and freelancers alike to connect quickly and efficiently.

The most common agreement amongst freelancers about growing this trend is that the technology, particularly social media, has turned freelance opportunities more accessible.

What makes people turn to be freelancers?

Few apparent reasons are:

  • Hourly based projects
  • Different jobs, different minds & different clients
  • Freelancer chooses whatever work he wants
  • Freelancer himself is a boss
  • Those working from home or doing freelance have freedom of creativity
  • Sufficient amount of projects always awaits freelancer
  • Freelancer can deal with more than one project at a time
  • Independence of location & peace of mind
  • Freelancer can establish his own business preparing a team

After reading this short & research-based article, you may have too many questions in your mind as from where and how to start working as a freelancer???

Listed below are the best three freelance websites anyone can join and build his/her freelance career (by working hard obviously):

The reason for listing these three freelance websites specifically is that they have real charm & opportunity for those looking to work from home.

Upwork, Fiverr and People Per Hour – these three have few similarities in terms of remote work. Working on any of them would bring about a great deal of freelance experience, including bidding on projects, communicating & negotiating with clients, getting jobs done on time, expertly selling your services, etc.

No matter which freelance platform you join, it takes time to build a solid freelance profile so patience is the number ONE tool for any remote worker.

Few tips on freelance working

Keep these simple things in mind while working from home and building a successful freelance profile:

  • You should not be a generalist! Become a specialist instead
  • Be professional in every way
  • Have great communication skills
  • You are not going to directly say “NO” to your potential clients
  • Be fair and honest in all your dealings
  • You should neither be overconfident nor be extra-smart
  • You must KNOW what you’re doing

What’s next?

We will soon be posting a lot new content & great tips on freelance working so please keep visiting this website and getting used to tech in every way… Thank you

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