Official letterhead template in Word

Official letterhead template in Word

Do you want to create a letterhead with your personal branding? If you are looking to design your own proper letter head in Ms Word then this formal letterhead example is perfect to use! You can download and use our official letterhead template to make a nice looking headed paper for your organization or freelance purposes.

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Simple letterhead design for manager

Simple letterhead design for manager

How do you design a blank letterhead in Ms Word? A simple answer would be first choosing a proper page size then setting 1″ margins on all sides. Then adding your logo on the header and addresses on the footer as this usually goes with letterhead design. You can also build your letterhead document in Word based on free images of letterhead model on Google.

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High quality official letterhead for Word

High quality official letterhead for Word

Are you in need of making an official letterhead in Word? You can create a full fledged letterhead for your personal or company use through this free yet high quality letterhead template for Word. This is our superbly designed letterhead which you can easily modify for your personal needs. Try this free official letter pad format in Word before buying a messy one!

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