Are you looking to resize a pdf file? Pdfs are device independent and are a standard for printing these days. Many a times, a pdf may need to resize or scale to fit for a printing job or for posting for a web project. Read this perfect guide to resize your pdf file.
How to modify the global template in Microsoft Word 2019
Microsoft Word 2019 is a great Word processing software. Every new document in Word is based on a global template called Normal.dotm. Modifying the global template in Microsoft Word 2019 can save us a lot of time.
How to convert scanned PDF to text
Retyping an old scanned document into editable text is a lengthy and time taking process, especially if a scanned document has many pages. There are a few easy methods available to auto convert scanned pdf to text or to perform OCR (optimal character recognition) on a scanned document. We will discuss here the popular methods for converting scanned pdf to text.
Best CV format in Microsoft Word free
A 2-page, fully editable and best CV format in Microsoft Word. This is a perfect resume design and you would not find such a clean and premium CV design anywhere else for free, especially in Word format. This best CV format in Ms Word can be used by any individual looking for a job opportunity.
Best letterhead design in Microsoft Word
A FREE and best letterhead design in Word. This is a modern letterhead template and you would definitely not find such a professional looking and editable design anywhere else for free, especially in Word format. This letterhead template can be used by any organization or an individual.
How to create bookmarks in PDF
Creating bookmarks in pdf is a good way for easy navigation in a document. If you have laid out your document in Ms Word and converted it to PDF with Ms Word’s built-in Save as PDF plugin then you can create bookmarks in your pdf with just a few mouse clicks.
How to convert Word to PDF with hyperlinks
Converting Word to PDF with hyperlinks is not a Rocket Science these days. Sometimes, doing it properly retaining hyperlinks is a bit tricky.